Case study: A mountain of rubble - working farm

What was the project?

Farm-owner Matt had a mountain of rubble that had built up over some time. He needed to crush it down to use as hard core in various places on the farm. Due to the size and spread of the rubble pile he wanted something that was manoeuvrable around the pile of rubble, rather than having to barrow or carry the rubble to a machine. He also needed a machine that could be hand loaded, as he needed to sort the concrete and bricks from the Thermalite blocks that were mixed in with the rubble, and not suitable to use as hard core.

Before - a mountain of rubble

Before - a mountain of rubble

Why use a Dragon machine?

Matt hired a CR300 Crusher for 3 days. At under 725kg, it was delivered in a trailer, made secure by
the multiple tie-down points.

The robust tracking and simple controls on the CR300 Crusher meant it was quick and easy for Matt to move the machine over and around the pile of rubble, covering ground quickly and efficiently.

The 300mm loading mouth made it easy, but also safe to feed by hand, ensuring only the concrete and bricks went through the crusher’s jaws.

Running a farm, Matt’s time is precious, and he needed a machine that was efficient and effective, and able to work as hard as he does – the CR300 Crusher’s no-stress feature eliminates jamming, and the wasted time associated with having to stop, unblock and restart the machine.

During - the CR300 making light-work of the steady stream of concrete

During - the CR300 making light-work of the steady stream of concrete

Project summary

Type:                             Farm

Amount:                       c. 120 tonnes

Material:                      Concrete, house bricks, slabs and general rubble

People:                         Two

Time:                             3 days

Fuel:                               10 litres per day (30 litres total)


Matt commented “The CR300 didn’t miss a beat! The no-stress took the normal pain of jamming away completely. It is so simple to use, and an extremely productive piece of kit!”

During - a growing pile of crushed concrete

During - a growing pile of crushed concrete