Reflections from the Rental eSummit in Amsterdam

Our Managing Director Jeff Haines had the pleasure of attending the Rental eSummit in Amsterdam this week. Sponsored by Briggs and Stratton, the event brought together manufacturers, rental businesses and industry stakeholders to discuss the future of rental equipment and the potential for standardisation. A huge ‘hats off’ to Briggs and Stratton for starting this critical conversation.

Much like how government legislation has led to the unification of mobile phone charging ports – with the USB-C now becoming the universal standard across both Apple and Android devices – the Rental eSummit was all about exploring a similar unification for rental machinery. The idea of creating a universal battery standard for equipment has vast potential to revolutionise our industry, and this summit was the perfect platform to start the conversation.

A universal battery for rental machinery could bring about tremendous financial, environmental, and operational advantages. The costs associated with buying equipment would be dramatically reduced if companies only needed to purchase a “bare” machine, without the need for individual batteries. Instead, a few universal batteries could power multiple machines.

At Dragon Equipment, we see this concept as having the potential to drive a new era of efficiency for the rental industry. By simplifying and streamlining the power requirements of equipment, we could reduce not only the overhead costs for businesses but also the environmental impact of manufacturing and disposal. Fewer batteries mean less material waste and a smaller environmental footprint.

Of course, the journey to full unification is only just beginning. With so many battery manufacturers currently on the market, reaching a standardised solution will take time and collaboration. However, conversations like the ones sparked at this eSummit are exactly what's needed to make progress.

During the eSummit, Jeff raised a key question to Nick Moore (Director of Product Management, Briggs & Stratton) about the security of batteries. With their high value and increasing demand, ensuring that batteries are protected from theft will be critical. We were pleased to hear that this is already on the radar for Briggs and Stratton, and they are actively working on solutions to address this issue.

Another factor to consider is the pace of technological change. Battery technology is evolving rapidly, and it’s still relatively new in the rental machinery space. While that presents challenges, it also opens the door for innovation. At Dragon Equipment, we have several machines currently in development that could benefit significantly from this shift toward battery-powered solutions. We’re eager to be part of the ongoing conversation and are excited to see where the industry goes as more stakeholders join in.

Once again, a big thanks to Briggs and Stratton for hosting the eSummit and pushing this important conversation forward. The road ahead is long, but it promises innovation, progress, and a more efficient and sustainable rental industry for all.