Dragon Equipment

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Let us help you lighten the load

The range of Dragon Equipment Lifters can safely transport loads of up to 1,000Kg, especially helpful when site access is restricted or narrow, but the machines also offer several benefits from a health and safety, and productivity view point.

·       Reducing the risk of back injuries: Shovelling heavy loads into a wheelbarrow and manually transporting them can lead to back injuries, strains, and other musculoskeletal disorders. By using a Lifter, users can avoid these physical demands and the associated risks.

·       Preventing slips, trips, and falls: When transporting heavy loads manually, there is a risk of tripping or losing balance, which can cause serious injuries. The use of a Lifter reduces this risk significantly.

·       Improving efficiency: The machine can transport loads faster and more efficiently than manual labour, reducing the time workers spend moving loads and allowing them to focus on other tasks.

·       Minimising damage to property: When manually transporting heavy loads, there is a risk of damaging property, such as scraping walls or knocking over items. The Lifters’ precision and control can minimise the risk of these incidents occurring.

·       Increasing productivity: With the use of a Lifter, workers can move larger loads more quickly, which can increase overall productivity and output.

The use of a Dragon Equipment Lifter can help to improve worker safety, efficiency, and productivity while minimising the risk of property damage and personal injuries.